It been almost two years since we saw each other. Want to relive the golden moments; have a chat with your class mates, batch mates, juniors, seniors. Wish to rekindle old memories and share new experiences. What else need be said? Come be part of the joyous moments!
On behalf of the entire COETA community, its pleasure to invite you all (based in & around Pune) to fun filled Saturday evening on 10th December 6.00 pm onwards.
Tentative program
- Welcome
- COETA Alumni - success stories
- Listen to everyone talk about themselves, their batch, college memories
- Network/Meet with everyone
- ?
Venue & other registration details - Suggestions welcome - write to suggestions at coetaalumni.org
Sunil Gurtoo (Prod 1999) has agreed to take up role of chief coordinator for the event. He can be reached at 98230 80265.
Please confirm your presence by entering your details on the following link - http://goo.gl/rTdm5
Please cascade the invitation to your batch mates and fellow alumni members.
Hoping to see you there…
COETA Alumni Association